Trabajo recibido el 26 de febrero de 1986 y aceptado para su publicación el 26 de enero de 1987.

Michel E. Hendrickx

Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, UNAM. Estación Mazatlán. A.P. 811, Mazatlán, Sin. México. Contribución 621 del Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, UNAM.


Siete especies de camarones carídeos fueron colectadas en la laguna de Barra de Navidad, en la costa Pacífica de México. A pesar del número reducido de especies encontradas, se colectaron especímenes con afinidad marina, afinidad dulceacuícola y una especie con tendencia a ocurrir en aguas salobres.


Seven species of caridean shrimps are reported for the Barra de Navidad Coastal Lagoon, on the tropical coast of Western Mexico. Although very limited in number, the collected species belong to the freshwater, the brackish water and the marine caridean fauna of the Pacific Coast of México.


Caridean shrimps have been scarcely collected along the Mexican Pacific coast, south of the Gulf of California area (Holthuis, 1951, 1952; Wicksten, 1983). Although the caridean fauna of the Eastern Pacific Tropical Region is relatively well-known, many species have so far been reported for only a few localities.

During the years 1983-84, collection of several caridean species was made in a small coastal lagoon located near the Mexican city of Barra de Navidad, Jalisco (19° 11'N - 104° 39'W) and the material obtained from this small-scale survey is reported herein.


All specimens were collected by hand, sometimes with the use of a shovel, and with a Van Veen grab in the intertidal and in shallow water.

Specimens were preserved with formaldehyde in the Laboratory of Marine Biology at Barra de Navidad (Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara) and sent to Mazatlan for identification.

All identified material has been deposited in the Reference Collections of Mazatlan and Barra de Navidad.


Family Palaemonidae

Macrobrachium sp

Material examined: Four specimens, juveniles, collected in Rio Marabasco (4 November 1983); muddy bottom.

Pontonia margarita Smith, 1869

Material examined: Three specimens, one ovigerous female, collected in Pinctada mazatlanica in the rocky shore (21 August 1984).

Distribution: The species occurs from the Gulf of California, south to Colombia and the Islas Galapagos; also along the coast of Florida (Wicksten, 1983).

Pontonia simplex- Holthuis, 1951

Material examined: One specimen en from the intertidal of Isla de Puercos, under mangrove cover; no host registered (8 September 1983).

Distiibution: The species was previously known from only two localities: Puerto Escondido, Gulf of California and Bahia de Tenacatita, Colima, Mexico (Wicksten, 1983).

Family Hippolytidae

Lysmata galapagensis Schmitt, 1924

Matetial examined: Two specimens from the intertidal of Isla de Puercos, among mangrobve (25 August, 1983).

Distribution: The species is reported from Bahia Magdalena and the Gulf of California, south to Panama and the Islas Galapagos; on the-southwestern coast of Mexico, it has been collected at Acapulco, Guerrero (Wicksten, 1983).

Family Processidae

Ambidexter panamensis Abele, 1972

Material examined: one ovigerous female collected in Rio Marabasco, on muddy bottom (4 November 1983).

Distribution: From San Diego, California, south to Panama and Islas Galapagos, including the Gulf of California (Abele, 1972; Wicksten, 1983; Hendrickx and Wicksten, 1987).

Family Alpheidae

Alpheus armillatus H. Milne Edwards, 1837

Material examined: One, specimen collected with a Van Veen on the inner side of Barra de Navidad Lagoon on muddy botton (10 December 1983).

Disuibution: Widely distributed throughout the Gulf of California; also reported from Acajutla, El Salvador; also on the Atlantic side of America (Wicksten, 1983). It is an occasional species in the area, from the intertidal to 3.5 m (Alvarez del Castillo, 1983).

Alpheus mazatlanicus Wicksten, 1983

Material examined: Two specimens (one ovigerous female) from Rio Marabaseo (4 November 1983), on muddy bottom; four specimens (one ovigerous female) buried into soft muddy sediment, in the intertidal under mangrove cover (21 January 1984).

Distribution: From Estero San Carlos, Guaymas, Sonora, to Barra de Navidad Jalisco (Hendrickx and Wicksten, 1987).

The Barra de Navidad Lagoon receives a small supply of soft water during the rainy season and is permanently connected to the sea by a deep channel. Salinity is almost always close to sea-water, except for the inner part of the system where the Río Marabasco connects to the Lagoon (Alvarez del Castillo, 1983). The caridean species that were collected are predominantly marine. The Macrobrachium sp, collected in the river, is clearly a softwater species while Alpheus mazatlanicus has a tendency to oecur in brackish water or in mesohaline sea water (Hendrickx and Vickstin, 1987).


The author wishes to thank the Staff of the Barra de Navidad Marine Laboratory, Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara, for collecting the material.


ABELE, L.G., Bull. Mar. Sci. A review of the genus Ambidextexer (Crustacea: Decapoda: Processidae.) in Panama. 1972. 365-380. 22:

ÁLVAREZ DEL CASTILLO, M.C., Tesis Profesional. Estudio de la fauna de los crustáceos decápodos del ambiente rocoso en la Laguna de Barra de Navidad, Jalisco. Escuela de Biología, Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara. 1983. 100 p.

HENDRICKK, M, E and M. K. WICKSTEN An. Inst. Cienc. del Mar y Linmol. Studies of the coastal marine fauna of southem Sinaloa Mexico. VIII. Addition al report on the caridean crustaceans. Univ. Nal. Autón. México, 1987. 13-20. 14 (1):

HOLTHUIS, L B., Occ. Papers Allan Han cock Found. A general revision of the Palaemonidae (Crustacea,Decapoda,- Natantia) of the Ámericas. I. The Sub families Euryrhynchinae and Pontoniinae. 1951. 1-396. 11:

HOLTHUIS, L B., Occ. Paper Allan Hancock Found. A general revision of the Palaemonidae. II. The subfamily Palaemoninae. 1952. 1-396. 12:

WICKSTEN, M. K, Allan Hancock Monogr. Mar. Biol, A monograph on the shallow water caridean shrimps in the Gulf of California, Mexico. 1983. 1-139. 13:

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